San Francisco’s cannabis task force… More support for AUMA… Banking survey… Preachers concerned… Health, Business, Opinion, and more….
[Technical difficulties beyond my control: The links on all of these stories seem to work, despite appearances.]
Looking ahead, San Francisco names task force // SF Examiner The biggest concern for the 14-member task force could be changes in land use controls, which should be in place in the event voters statewide approve recreational cannabis.
Cannabis banking: survey results // MJBizdaily “Roughly 60% of companies operating in the cannabis industry don’t have bank accounts for their businesses,” and “The situation is even worse for companies that actually handle the plant,” according to more than 400 companies responding to this survey.
Employers’ views on cannabis use surveyed // Denver Post “More than half of the [human relations] managers surveyed said they have policies, or plan to implement them, restricting the employment of marijuana users. About 38 percent said they will flat-out reject users even if they claim medical reasons. Six percent said their policy will exclude only those who partake for fun.”
Detroit preachers worry about abundance of dispensaries // WXYZ-TV Neighbors are concerned about the numbers and locations of the outlets, and “the smell and crime.”
Studies on CBD and childhood epilepsy continue // A 2014 study of the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) on children with epilepsy is being presented at this week’s meeting of the American Epilepsy Society. The majority of patients in the study taking CBD, a non-psychoactive component of the cannabis plant, saw a drop of about half their number of seizures.
PTSD & cannabis: a review of the literature // U.S. National Library of Medicine “As the number of people seeking medical marijuana as well as those self-medicating for PTSD continues to rise, there is a clear need for more research trials and monitoring of the long-term effects of using cannabis for the treatment of PTSD and other medical conditions.”
Emerald Cup: 21,000 attended // Press Democrat “A sort of evangelical rally to spread the gospel of marijuana, the Emerald Cup is not only a contest to choose the best bud, but a community event for growers and pot aficionados, with business exhibits, educational seminars and music.”
Should dispensary guards have guns? // Orange County Register “The nature of a cash-only operation, especially one forced to operate from industrial areas, seems inherently vulnerable to robbery and the potential bloodshed that could result.”
“Let’s get medicated” // Press Democrat This letter to the editor questions the legitimacy of “medical” vs. “recreational” cannabis.
The kids are alright // Washington Post “ ‘Students' conception of how easy it is to get marijuana has actually been in decline the past few years.’ They're less worried about risks, but also less able to get weed when they want it’.”
[New content is generally posted on Friday.]