Every month, NOAA puts out a report wrapping up big climate trends. Today, it reports that this past May was the second warmest on record.
"May 2012 also marks the 36th consecutive May and 327thconsecutive month with a global temperature above the 20th century average," the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports.
Now, while most of the world saw warmer temperatures, there were a few places that saw cooler temps. Here's a cool map that shows you that Australia, Alaska and parts fo the U.S.-Canadian border were cooler than normal.

And here's a curious fact from Australia:
"The nationally-averaged daytime temperature in Australia was near average (+0.5°C), while the average nighttime temperature was well below average (-2.9°C), ranking as the fifth coolest May nighttime temperature in that country's 63-year period of record."
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