On this edition of Your Call's Media Roundtable, we discuss a Supreme Court decision that delivered a rare and surprising victory for voting rights.
In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court found that Alabama’s gerrymandered congressional map violates the Voting Rights Act by diluting the power of Black voters. Alabama’s congressional map included only one majority-Black district out of seven total districts, even though Blacks make up about 27 percent of the state population. The Court ordered Alabama to redraw the congressional map with an additional majority-Black district.
Mark Joseph Stern, senior reporter for Slate covering the courts and the law
David Daley, journalist, senior fellow for FairVote, and author of Unrigged: How Americans Are Battling Back to Save Democracy
Web Resources:
Slate: John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh Really Did Just Save the Voting Rights Act
Mother Jones: Today’s Giant Supreme Court Surprise Ruling Is a Rare Win for Democracy