On the September 25th, 2014 edition of Your Call, Naomi Klein talks about her new book, “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate”. Klein says our current economic system can’t cut greenhouse emissions fast enough to prevent permanent warming. As world leaders converge for the UN Climate Summit, is there still time to make the shift to sustainability? And what would sustainability mean for the way we live? Naomi Klein – on the next Your Call, with Hana Baba, and you.
Naomi Klein, award-winning journalist and author of This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate andNew York Times international bestseller, The Shock Doctrine
Web Resources:
This Changes Everything
Vice - Naomi Klein on New York Protests: 'What We're Seeing Is the Birth of a New Climate Movement'
Vox - 7 charts that help make sense of this week's UN climate summit
The Guardian - Climate change is a global emergency. Stop waiting for politicians to sound the alarm