On today's Your Call, we'll have a conversation about how veterans are navigating the VA system. More than a million vets are currently waiting for their benefits claims to be processed. And the average wait time is 273 days. We’ve heard these stories for years. Why is this still happening? Join us at 10 or post a comment here. President Obama had promised to revamp what he calls a “broken VA bureaucracy.” So what has changed under his administration? It's Your Call with Holly Kernan and You.
Aaron Glantz, staff reporter with the Center for Investigative Reporting, author of “The War Comes Home: Washington’s Battle Against America’s Veterans”
UC Press: The War Comes Home: Washington's Battle against America's Veterans
Center for Investigative Reporting: Returning Home to Battle
The Bay Citizen: Video: Veterans’ disability benefits delayed
Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN)
NPR: Veterans Face Red Tape Accessing Disability, Other Benefits
Alternet: Watch: Jon Stewart Lays into VA For Backlog of 1 Million Benefits Claims
Democracy Now!: Kimberly Rivera, Pregnant Mom of 4, Sentenced to Military Prison for Refusing to Serve in Iraq