On March 17, leaders from six Bay Area counties announced a shelter-in-place policy that’s closed all but essential businesses and confined most people to their homes. Since then, we've been checking in regularly with a mix of people from all around the Bay. Together, this group sketches out how the coronavirus epidemic is already changing how we live and work.
"Then I got out of bed and ate breakfast, but then something different happened. I brushed my teeth but didn't change out of my pajamas. Was it just pajama day? No, I was being quarantined inside my house because of the coronavirus." - Sophia Mitra, 5th grader
We’ll continue to hear from them throughout the crisis.
"Only thing drivers fear now is no business. No money. Last week was one of the worst." - Larry Dulmaa, rideshare driver
Special thanks to David Boyer, Julia Llinas Goodman, Angela Johnston, Lee Romney, Joshua Sirotiak, and Sarah Lai Stirland for contributing to this story.