With recent gay rights gains, why is it still difficult for young people to be lesbian, gay, bi, transgender or “queer,” even in the San Francisco Bay Area? The Pacific Center for Human Growth, an LGBT counseling and community center in Berkeley, reports that many queer youth feel unsafe at school every day.
Eric Jansen’s guests on Out in the Bay (7pm Thursday) are from LOUD (Loving Ourselves & Uniting Diversity) the Pacific Center’s after-school youth program. What’s it like to be a gay, trans, or “questioning” adolescent -- trying to figure yourself out today? Has growing mainstream acceptance helped? Legalization of same-sex marriage? Why or why not? Davi and Jesse of LOUD's Safer Schools speaker's bureau share their stories, and we'll also hear from Jared Fields, the Pacific Center’s youth programs manager. Airs 7pm Thursday, Dec. 10, on 91.7fm / kalw.org
For more than 20 years, LOUD has provided a social space for young folks to meet each other, participate in discussions and other activities, and receive counseling if they want it. LOUD’s two key funders cut their support recently at about the same time, and the Pacific Center is seeking donations by December 31 to keep LOUD’s full range of services intact in 2016.
Give what you can and learn more about the Pacific Center’s discussion groups and other services for teens and adults at the Pacific Center’s website, PacificCenter.org. The Pacific Center has been serving the East Bay LGBT community since 1978!