On this edition of Your Call's Media Roundtable, we discuss the impact of the recent heavy rainfall and flooding on poor communities and unhoused people in California.
The most recent disaster has placed a spotlight on the state's deep income and racial divide, and its failure to adequately shelter and support its unhoused population.
Nuala Bishari, columnist and editorial writer at the San Francisco Chronicle
Mark Kreidler, national writer specializing in health and inequity
Web Resources:
Capital & Main, Mark Kreidler: Floods’ Worst Ravages Will Be Visited Upon California’s Poorest
San Francisco Chronicle, Nuala Bishari: An S.F. gallery owner sprayed a homeless woman? Be outraged, but don’t pretend to be shocked
The New York Times: As Storms Hammer California, Homeless Campers Try to Survive Outside
The New York Times: Los Angeles County’s Black Residents Are Most at Risk in Major Floods