What’s next for the Dakota Access Pipeline?
On Sunday, the Army Corps of Engineers denied Energy Transfer Partners, the company building the pipeline, the permit it needs to complete construction under the Missouri River, pending an Environmental Impact Statement. The company says it still plans to complete construction. Donald Trump supports the project. So what’s next? Many Native Americans and their allies say they’re not leaving camp. How are they responding?
Ben-Alex Dupris, member of the Colville Tribe in Washington State, co-director of The 7th Wave
Stephanie Tsosie, associate attorney at Earthjustice who represents the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe against the Army Corps of Engineers
Web Resources:
Earthjustice: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Litigation on the Dakota Access Pipeline
The Guardian: Dakota Access pipeline company and Donald Trump have close financial ties
The Guardian: Trump supports Dakota pipeline – but claims it's not due to his investment in it
Democracy Now: Who is Kelcy Warren, the Texas Billionaire and Folk Music Fan Behind the Dakota Access Pipeline?
Reuters: Top executive behind Dakota Access has donated more than $100,000 to Trump
Vice: Why the fight for Standing Rock isn’t over
Democracy Now: Veterans at Standing Rock Ask Forgiveness for Military's Crimes Against Native Americans