On today’s Your Call, our last show of the year, we’ll have a conversation about the state of US. According to the Commerce Department, broad-based economic growth might lead to a healthier labor market, but with millions of people out of work and income inequality at all time highs, what does economic growth even mean? Join the conversation and call in with your questions on the next Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.
James Galbraith, economist and professor of public affairs and government at the University of Texas
Anat Admati, George Parker Professor of Finance and Economics at Graduate School of Business at Stanford University
Web Resources:
LA Times: Rising consumer debt is good for the economy but not for consumers
NBC: More "quality" jobs seen as sign of improving economy
Washington Post: A familiar economic trend in America: Spending up, saving down
New Republic: Everyone assumed the banks would beat financial reform. They didn't
Sacramento Bee: As the local economy improves, the poor are left behind