Today is Tuesday, the 10th of December of 2024
December 10 is the 345th day of the year
21 days remain until the end of the year.
11 days until winter begins
Sunrise is at 7:14:59 am
and sunset will be at 4:51:12 pm.
Today we will have 9 hours and 36 minutes of daylight
The solar transit will be at 12:03:05 pm
Water temperature in Aquatic Park today is 55.2°F
The first high tide will be at 6:03 am at 6.07 feet
The only low tide of the day will be at 12:51 pm at 0.82 feet
and the final high tide at Ocean Beach will be at 6:53 pm at 4.25 feet
The Moon is 71.1% visible
It’s a Waxing Gibbous moon
We’ll have a Full Moon in 5 days on Sunday the 15th of December of 2024 at 1:02 am
Today is…..
Festival for the Souls of Dead Whales
Today is also….
Alfred Nobel Day or Nobeldagen (Sweden)
Human Rights Day (International)
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You share your special day with….
553 – Houzhu, emperor of the Chen dynasty (d. 604)
1815 – Ada Lovelace, English mathematician and computer scientist (d. 1852)
1822 – César Franck, Belgian organist and composer (d. 1890)
1830 – Emily Dickinson, American poet (d. 1886)
1908 – Olivier Messiaen, French composer and ornithologist (d. 1992)
1911 – Chet Huntley, American journalist (d. 1974)
1913 – Morton Gould, American pianist, composer, and conductor (d. 1996)
1914 – Dorothy Lamour, American actress and singer (d. 1996)
1924 – Michael Manley, Jamaican pilot and politician, 4th Prime Minister of Jamaica (d. 1997)
1925 – Carolyn Kizer, American poet and academic (d. 2014)
1926 – Guitar Slim, American blues singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 1959)
1952 – Susan Dey, American actress
1956 – Rod Blagojevich, American lawyer and politician, 40th Governor of Illinois
1960 – Kenneth Branagh, British actor director, producer, and screenwriter
….and on this day in history….
1684 – Isaac Newton's derivation of Kepler's laws from his theory of gravity, contained in the paper De motu corporum in gyrum, is read to the Royal Society by Edmond Halley.
1768 – The first edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica is published.
1817 – Mississippi becomes the 20th U.S. state.
1896 – Alfred Jarry's Ubu Roi premieres in Paris. A riot breaks out at the end of the performance.
1901 – The first Nobel Prize ceremony is held in Stockholm on the fifth anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death.
1902 – The opening of the reservoir of the Aswan Dam in Egypt.
1906 – U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in the mediation of the Russo-Japanese War, becoming the first American to win a Nobel Prize in any field.
1909 – Selma Lagerlöf becomes the first female writer to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.
1948 – The Human Rights Convention is signed by the United Nations.
1983 – Democracy is restored in Argentina with the inauguration of President Raúl Alfonsín.
1984 – United Nations General Assembly recognizes the Convention against Torture.
1996 – The new Constitution of South Africa is promulgated by Nelson Mandela.
1999 – Helen Clark is sworn in as Prime Minister of New Zealand, the second woman to hold the post and the first following an election.