(Tarik Ansari filling in for Kevin Vance)
Today is Thursday, the 17th of October, 2024,
October 17th is the 291st day of the year
65 days until winter begins
The sun will rise this morning at 7:21 am
and the sun will set this evening at 6:29 pm.
We will have 11 hours and 8 minutes of daylight
Solar noon will be at 12:54 pm.
Our first low tide today was at 4:40 a.m; the next low tide will be at 5:27 PM this afternoon.
We’ll have a high tide at 10:54 AM this morning; the next high tide will be at 11:59 PM this evening.
Water temperature in the bay is 65 degrees.
The Moon is 100% visible, it’s a full moon!
Today is…
Black Poetry Day
Forgive an Ex Day
National Pasta Day
National Pay Back a Friend
Mulligan Day
Spreadsheet Day
National Play Card Collection Day
National Get Smart About Credit Day
On this day in history….
1989 - Before to the start of Game 3 of the World Series between the Oakland Athletics and the San Francisco Giants, the Loma Prieta earthquake struck, devastating the Bay and delaying the series 10 days.
If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You share this special day with:
Playwright Arthur Miller, born in 1915, passed in 2005
Comedian Norm MacDonald, born in 1959, passed in 1959
Rapper Eminem, born in 1972