Today is Tuesday, the 15th of February of 2022,
February 15 is the 46th day of the year
319 days remain until the end of the year
32 days until spring begins
The sun rises at 6:58:57 am
and sunset will be at 5:49:59 pm.
We will have 10 hours and 51 minutes of daylight.
The solar transit will be at 12:24:28 pm.
The first low tide will be at 3:43 am at 2.73 feet
The only high tide of the day will be at 9:22 am at 6.11 feet
The next low tide at 4:26 pm at -0.53 feet
and the final high tide at Ocean Beach tonight will be at 11:16 pm at 4.92 feet
The moon is 98.5% visible
It’s still considered a waxing gibbous
It will be a Full Moon tomorrow morning at 8:57 am
The February Moon is called the Full Snow Moon February is typically a time of heavy snowfall.
It’s also called the…
Bald Eagle Moon Bear Moon Black Bear Moon Month of the Bony Moon Eagle Moon Groundhog Moon
Hungry Moon Raccoon Moon
Today is…
National I Want Butterscotch Day
Today is also…
– American suffragist and activist Susan B. Anthonywas born on this day in 1820 (d. 1906)
as it was on this day in 1965 – A new red-and-white maple leaf design is adopted as the flag of Canada, replacing the old Canadian Red Ensign banner.
The ENIAC Day, as it was on this day in 1946 – ENIAC, the first electronic general-purpose computer, is formally dedicated at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
International Duties Memorial Day in Russia
Parinirvana Day, also celebrated on February 8. in Mahayana Buddhism
Total Defence Day in Singapore
On this day in Black History
– On this day in 1848 - Sarah Roberts barred from white school in Boston. Her father, Benjamin Roberts, filed the first school integration suit on her behalf.
– On this day in 1851 - Black abolitionists invaded a Boston courtroom and rescued a fugitive slave. Feb. 15, 1968 - Henry Lewis becomes the first black to lead a symphony orchestra in the United States.
– On this day in 1964, musician Louis Armstrong’s “Hello Dolly” becomes his first number one record.
– On this day in 1965, singer and pianist Nat King Cole died in Santa Monica, California.
– On this day in 1968 - Henry Lewis becomes the first black to lead a symphony orchestra in the United States.
Also on this day in history….
1879 – Women's rights: US President Rutherford B. Hayes signs a bill allowing female attorneys to argue cases before the Supreme Court of the United States.
1898 – The battleship USS Maine explodes and sinks in Havana harbor in Cuba, killing about 274 of the ship's roughly 354 crew. The disaster pushes the United States to declare war on Spain.
1923 – Greece becomes the last European country to adopt the Gregorian calendar.
1925 – The 1925 serum run to Nome: The second delivery of serum arrives in Nome, Alaska.
1971 – The decimalisation of British coinage is completed on Decimal Day.
1972 – Sound recordings are granted U.S. federal copyright protection for the first time.
1989 – Soviet–Afghan War: The Soviet Union officially announces that all of its troops have left Afghanistan.
2001 – The first draft of the complete human genome is published in Nature.
2003 – Protests against the Iraq war take place in over 600 cities worldwide. It is estimated that between eight million and 30 million people participate, making this the largest peace demonstration in history.
2013 – A meteor explodes over Russia, injuring 1,500 people as a shock wave blows out windows and rocks buildings. This happens unexpectedly only hours before the expected closest ever approach of the larger and unrelated asteroid 2012 DA14.
…and if today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You share your special day with…
1564 – Galileo Galilei, Italian astronomer, physicist, and mathematician (d. 1642)
1874 – Ernest Shackleton, Anglo-Irish captain and explorer (d. 1922)
1883 – Sax Rohmer, English-American author (d. 1959)
1905 – Harold Arlen, American composer (d. 1986)
1907 – Cesar Romero, American actor (d. 1994)
1909 – Miep Gies, Austrian-Dutch humanitarian, helped hide Anne Frank and her family (d. 2010)
1914 – Hale Boggs, American lawyer and politician (d. 1972)
1914 – Kevin McCarthy, American actor (d. 2010)
1918 – Allan Arbus, American actor and photographer (d. 2013)
1922 – John B. Anderson, Swedish-American lawyer and politician (d. 2017)
1923 – Yelena Bonner, Soviet-Russian activist (d. 2011)
1927 – Harvey Korman, American actor and comedian (d. 2008)
1929 – James R. Schlesinger, American economist and politician, 12th United States Secretary of Defense (d. 2014)
1931 – Claire Bloom, English actress
1931 – Jonathan Steele, English journalist and author
1935 – Susan Brownmiller, American journalist and author
1935 – Roger B. Chaffee, American lieutenant, engineer, and astronaut (d. 1967)
1945 – Douglas Hofstadter, American author and academic
1947 – John Adams, American composer
1948 – Art Spiegelman, Swedish-American cartoonist and critic
1951 – Melissa Manchester, American singer-songwriter and actress
1951 – Jane Seymour, English-American actress, producer, and jewelry designer
1954 – Matt Groening, American animator, producer, and screenwriter
1964 – Chris Farley, American comedian and actor (d. 1997)