We’ve been asking our staff to go out to a place they've never been. Reporter Eva Soncin brought back this profile from somewhere she hasn’t visited but that’s close to her roots. This week we venture to L’AllianceFrançaise in Berkeley, a non-profit organization encouraging the study of French language and culture, through classes, tutoring, and social gatherings.
What’s a place in your neighborhood that means something to you – and why? Our Hear Here community storytelling project wants to know the answer. If you’ve got a story of a significant place, visit the Participate page at www.hearkere.kalw.org and tell it to us! You can also find the project on Facebook and follow it on Twitter at @hearhereradio.
Hear Here is part of a national initiative of AIR, the Association of Independents in Radio, Inc designed to bring new journalistic and technical ingenuity to extending public media service to more Americans. From Chinese restaurants in Boston, to shuttered factories in Dayton, to the oil fields of North Dakota, to Bay Area startups, the ten Localore production teams are working with their public station incubators to uncover ground-up stories of America in transition. Follow their development, and learn more at Localore.net.