Your CallOn the December 9th, 2014 edition of Your Call, we're discussing creative responses to displacement. Median rent in San Francisco is over $3,000 a month.…
The Lees are an elderly immigrant couple who live with their disabled adult daughter. The new owner of their building evicted them to convert their…
At the Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center, two dozen residents of North Beach come on a recent Tuesday night to hear from neighbors who have experienced…
Tenants are facing a tough time in San Francisco. The city has some of the nation’s highest rents and laws like the Ellis Act have made evictions front…
Your CallOn today’s Your Call, we’ll have a conversation about the rise of evictions in the Bay Area. Because home prices and rents are reaching new highs,…
Your CallOn today's Your Call we’ll have a conversation about how development is changing the socioeconomic makeup of cities across Northern California. This topic…
The sharing economy in San Francisco is humming. Companies like Airbnb have figured out how to make a lot of money by using existing housing stock to meet…
Jeremy Mykaels is in his early 60s, and he has AIDS. As a young gay man, he moved to the Castro, where he has lived for almost 40 years. He's been in his…
Landlord/Tenant Laws and IssuesGuests: Landlord/tenant attorneys James Coy Driscoll and Marc Seidenfeld.Listeners with questions or comments for Chuck and…
“My name is Ashley Lyon, and I’m a TIC owner. I live in a TIC with my wife and our dog. And we originally purchased our TIC back in 2003. We were both…
Theresa Flandrich has lived and worked in North Beach for decades. She worked as a nurse at the Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center and raised her son in a…
“My name is Jennifer Grant. I’m an office manager at a small nonprofit in San Francisco. I work at our family coalition. We work with LGBTQ-headed…