Today is Tuesday, the 15th of May of 2018.
It is the 135th day of the year.
There are 230 days remaining until the end of the year.
37 days until summer begins...
175 days until Tuesday November 6, 2018
(5 months and 22 days from today)
903 days until Tuesday November 3, 2020
( 2 years 5 months and 19 days from today)
The sun will rise in San Francisco at 5:59 am
and sunset will be at 8:14 pm.
Today we will have 14 hours and 15 minutes of daylight.
Solar noon will be at 1:06 pm.
The first low tide will be at 6:02am
and the next low tide at 5:51 pm.
The only high tide of the day will be at 1:01 pm.
Pollen count for the next few days is considered Medium, between 6.1 and 6.5
The Moon is 0.1% visible; a Near New Moon (Waxing Crescent)
Moon Direction: ↑ 59.33° ENE
Moon Altitude: -14.66°
Moon Distance: 228471 mi
Next Full Moon: May 29, 2018 at 7:19 am
Next New Moon: Jun 13, 2018 at 12:43 pm
Next Moonrise: Today 6:29 am
Today is…
Also known as Hyperemesis Gravidarum Awareness Day
International MPS Awareness Day
Also known as International Mucopolysaccharidoses Awareness Day
National Tuberous Sclerosis Day
Sex Differences in Health Awareness Day
It’s also…
Aoi Matsuri in Kyoto
Constituent Assembly Day in Lithuania
La Corsa dei Ceri begins on the eve of the feast day of Saint Ubaldo. (Gubbio)
Mercuralia, in honour of Mercury. (Roman Empire)
Nakba Day (Palestinian communities)
Teachers' Day in Colombia, Mexico and South Korea
International Conscientious Objectors Day
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You share this day with…
1567 – Claudio Monteverdi, Italian priest and composer (d. 1643)
1856 – L. Frank Baum, American novelist (d. 1919)
1891 – Mikhail Bulgakov, Russian novelist and playwright (d. 1940)
1895 – Prescott Bush, American captain, banker, and politician (d. 1972)
1905 – Abraham Zapruder, American businessman and amateur photographer, filmed the Zapruder film (d. 1970)
1918 – Eddy Arnold, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor (d. 2008)
1935 – Utah Phillips, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 2008)
1936 – Anna Maria Alberghetti, Italian-American actress and singer
1936 – Ralph Steadman, English painter and illustrator
1937 – Madeleine Albright, Czech-American politician and diplomat, 64th United States Secretary of State
1948 – Brian Eno, English singer-songwriter, keyboard player, and producer
1953 – Mike Oldfield, English-Irish singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer
1974 – Ahmet Zappa, American musician and writer
…and on this day in history…
1536 – Anne Boleyn, Queen of England, stands trial in London on charges of treason, adultery and incest; she is condemned to death by a specially-selected jury.
1618 – Johannes Kepler confirms his previously rejected discovery of the third law of planetary motion
1811 – Paraguay declares independence from Spain.
1869 – Women's suffrage: In New York, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton form the National Woman Suffrage Association.
1905 – Las Vegas is founded when 110 acres (0.45 km2), in what later would become downtown, are auctioned off.
1911 – In Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey v. United States, the United States Supreme Court declares Standard Oil to be an "unreasonable" monopoly under the Sherman Antitrust Act and orders the company to be broken up.
1919 – The Winnipeg general strike begins. By 11:00, almost the whole working population of Winnipeg had walked off the job.
1928 – Walt Disney character Mickey Mouse premieres in his first cartoon, "Plane Crazy".
1940 – McDonald's opens its first restaurant in San Bernardino, California.
1941 – Joe DiMaggio begins a 56-game hitting streak.
1948 – Following the expiration of The British Mandate for Palestine, the Kingdom of Egypt, Transjordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia invade Israel thus starting the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.
1969 – People's Park: California Governor Ronald Reagan has an impromptu student park developed on land owned by the University of California at Berkeley fenced off from students, anti-war protestors, and community, sparking a riot.
1972 – In Laurel, Maryland, Arthur Bremer shoots and paralyzes Alabama Governor George Wallace while he is campaigning to become President.
1997 – The United States government acknowledges the existence of the "Secret War" in Laos and dedicates the Laos Memorial in honor of Hmong and other "Secret War" veterans.
2008 – California becomes the second U.S. state after Massachusetts in 2004 to legalize same-sex marriage after the state's own Supreme Court rules a previous ban unconstitutional.