Workers Compensation Laws/Workers' Rights
Guests: Jason Marcus and Justin Sonnicksen, Specialists in Workers Compensation Laws certified by the California Board of Legal Specialization, and Members of the California Applicants Attorneys Association (CAAA). Listeners with questions for Chuck & guests on-the-air, please call toll-free 1-866-798-8255.
Plus, preempted for July 27th convention coverage, tonight is Call-A-Lawyer Night. While Your Legal Rights broadcasts on 91.7 FM (online, attorneys are also available off-the-air at 1-800-525-9917, 7 'til 8pm PDT for private no-fee consultation on a variety of legal issues. Finally, Thursday morning, August 4th, 8am-Noon PDT, Leon Bayer, Certified Specialist in Bankruptcy Law, will respond to questions on bankruptcy from his office, with no obligation as Mr Bayer's public service for KALW listeners: 1-800-477-3111.