On this edition of Your Call, we discuss the 37-count federal indictment of Donald Trump, his supporters, and threats of violence.
Trump is facing charges for mishandling classified documents, including top-secret information about nuclear weapons and secret military plans to attack Iran. Federal prosecutors say he illegally stored dozens of highly sensitive documents throughout his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida and refused to return them to the FBI. He is the first US president to face federal criminal charges.
Why are Republicans politicians like Senator Lindsey Graham still supporting Trump? Extreme Republicans are fomenting violence, while 12 million people say violence is justified to return Trump to power, according to the University of Chicago’s Project on Security & Threats.
Jeff Sharlet, journalist, Professor of English and director of creative writing at Dartmouth College, bestselling author or editor of seven books, including The Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War
Jason Stanley, Professor of Philosophy at Yale University, and author of three books, including, How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them
Web Resources:
The Atlantic: The Congressman Telling Trump Supporters to ‘Buckle Up’
The Guardian: 12m Americans believe violence is justified to restore Trump to power
The Washington Post: Trump indictment: A moment of reckoning for the former president
The Nation: Is 37 Criminal Counts What It Takes for the GOP to Abandon Trump?
The Nation: It’ll Take More Than an Indictment to Make Donald Trump Face Justice
The New York Times: How a Trump-Appointed Judge Could Influence His Documents Case