On the May 14th edition of Your Call, we’ll have a conversation about She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry, a new documentary that resurrects the hidden history of the women who founded the modern women’s movement. The film tells the stories of activists, students, artists, and intellectuals at the center of the movement, which brought about a social revolution in the US. What can we learn from the past? And what’s the state of women’s liberation today? It’s Your Call with Rose Aguilar, and you.
Mary Dore, director and producer of She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry
Alice Wolfson, attorney and one of the founders of the National Women’s Health Network and the Committee to Defend Reproductive Rights
Alta, poet and publisher, who founded Shameless Hussy Press, the first feminist press in the country
Web resources:
She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry website
New Republic: Why America Never Had Universal Child Care
HuffPo: Why the Fight for Pay Equity Is So Important
The New Yorker: Americans Family-Leave Disgrace
Mother Jones: The Strict Abortion Ban That Abortion Foes Fear