On today's Your Call, we'll talk to Josh Fox, maker of the Oscar-nominated film, Gasland, about hydraulic fracturing, also called "fracking." Josh has made a sequel to his first film, which is set to be released this summer. It’s called Gasland Part II. This sequel explores how the fracking industry has changed people's lives and how government is responding. What is the government's responsibility to regulate this form of oil and gas extraction? And how have organized citizens successfully stood in the way of fracking development? Join us at 10 or post a comment here. Have you seen your area or your health changed by fracking? What are you doing about it? It's Your Call, with Holly Kernan, and You.
Josh Fox, creator of the Oscar-nominated documentary, Gasland, and the soon-to-be-released sequel, Gasland Part II
Gasland II- The Movie (screenings in Bay Area and beyond)
Facebook: Gasland II
Rolling Stone: Q&A: 'Gasland Part II' Director Josh Fox on the Fight Against Fracking
Grist: In Gasland sequel, fracking saga’s pressure ratchets up
National Geographic: The New Oil Landscape: The fracking frenzy in North Dakota has boosted the U.S. fuel supply—but at what cost?
ThinkProgress: Josh Fox’s Gasland Part II Faces Aggressive Oil and Gas Public Relations Campaign
Alternet: Josh Fox's 'Gasland' Sequel Opens, a Tour Through a Land of Abandoned Homes and Broken Promises
IndyBay: Advance Screening of Gasland II in Santa Cruz with Director Josh Fox
(Rio Theatre in Santa Cruz on Monday, June 3rd)
Talking Points Memo: GE Investing Billions In Fracking
Food and Water Watch: Just how much oil and gas money does the DGA take in?
YouTube: Josh Fox playing banjo