On today's Your Call we’ll talk about what’s changing in California’s prison system. The Occupy Movement drew attention to the prison industrial complex this week with a day of action called “Occupy the Prisons.” They are calling for an end to inhumane conditions for people behind bars. Meanwhile, the realignment process is underway in California-- where low-level offenders are being moved from prisons to county jails. Is this the best way to solve prison over-crowding? Join us at 10 or email feedback@yourcallradio.org. It’s Your Call with Holly Kernan, and you.
Rina Palta, criminal justice reporter for KALW News and author of the blog, The Informant
Margaret Dooley-Sammuli, criminal justice & drug policy senior policy advocate with ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties
Terry Thornton, deputy press secretary for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Isaac Ontiveros, communications director at Critical Resistance
National Occupy Day in Support of Prisoners
Explaining big changes in the California prison system
Community Safety, Community Solutions
Implementing AB 109: Enhancing Public Safety, Saving Money and Wisely Allocating Limited Jail Space
California invests millions in new jails to deal with overcrowding
Mumia’s message to the Feb. 20th Occupy the Prisons Events
Q&A: CDCR Secretary Matthew Cate Discusses Prisons, Health Care and Realignment
REGION: Local ACLU creates criminal justice watchdog job
California’s Changing Prison Population (statistics)
'Occupy San Quentin' Protest Draws Hundreds
Californians United for a Responsible Budget