Today is Wednesday, 25th of October of 2023
October 25 is the 298th day of the year
67 days remain until the end of the year.
58 days until winter begins
The sun will rise in San Francisco at 7:28:09 am
and sunset will be at 6:18:28 pm.
We will have 10 hours and 50 minutes of daylight today
The solar transit will be at 12:53:18 pm.
Water temperature in San Francisco right now is (brr) 62.4°F
the first low tide was at 2:18 am at 0.03 feet
The first high tide will be at 9:01 am at 5.69 feet
The next low tide at 2:58 pm at 1.33 feet
and the final high tide at Ocean Beach will be tonight at 8:51 pm at 5.47 feet
Moonset was early this morning was at 3:40 am ↑ (259°)
and Moonrise will be this afternoon at 4:51 pm ↑ (96°)
The Moon is currently 85.7% visible
It's a Waxing Gibbous moon
and we'll have a Full Moon in 3 days on Saturday the 28th of October of 2023 at 1:24 pm
as well as a Partial Lunar Eclipse
Today is...
International Artist Day
Lung Health Day
National Cartoonists Against Crime Day
National Greasy Foods Day
National I Care About You Day
National Merri Music Day
Punk for a Day Day
Sourest Day
Unity Day
World Pasta Day
World Pizza Makers Day
Today is also...
Armed Forces Day in Romania
Customs Officer's Day in Russia
Day of the Basque Country
Republic Day in Kazakhstan
Retrocession Day in Taiwan
Sovereignty Day in Slovenia
Thanksgiving Day in Grenada
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You get to share birthday cake with...
1825 – Johann Strauss II, Austrian composer and educator (d. 1899)
1838 – Georges Bizet, French pianist and composer (d. 1875)
1881 – Pablo Picasso, Spanish painter and sculptor (d. 1973)
1886 – Leo G. Carroll, English-American actor (d. 1972)
1902 – Eddie Lang, American jazz guitarist (d. 1933)
1912 – Minnie Pearl, American entertainer and philanthropist (d. 1996)
1928 – Marion Ross, American actress
1930 – Harold Brodkey, American author and academic (d. 1996)
1939 – Sara Dylan, American actress and model
1941 – Helen Reddy, Australian-American singer-songwriter and actress (d. 2020)
1944 – Jon Anderson, English singer-songwriter and guitarist
1944 – James Carville, American lawyer and political consultant
1950 – John Matuszak, American footballer (d. 1989)
1955 – Robin Eubanks, American trombonist and educator
1957 – Nancy Cartwright, American voice actress
1963 – Tracy Nelson, American actress
1969 – Samantha Bee, Canadian-American comedian and television host
1971 – Midori, Japanese-American violinist and educator
1975 – Zadie Smith, English author and academic
1984 – Katy Perry, American singer-songwriter and actress
...and on this day in history...
1760 – King George III succeeds to the British throne on the death of his grandfather George II.
1917 – Old Style date of the October Revolution in Russia.
1940 – Benjamin O. Davis Sr. is named the first African American general in the United States Army.
1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis: Adlai Stevenson shows the United Nations Security Council reconnaissance photographs of Soviet ballistic missiles in Cuba.
1971 – The People's Republic of China replaces the Republic of China at the United Nations.
1983 – The United States and its Caribbean allies invade Grenada, six days after Prime Minister Maurice Bishop and several of his supporters are executed in a coup d'état.
2001 – Microsoft releases Windows XP, which becomes one of Microsoft's most successful operating systems.