Today is Monday, August 1, 2022, the 213th day of the year; 152 days remain until the end of the year.
- Sunrise: 6:13am
- Sunset: 8:17pm
The waxing crescent moon is 13.3% illuminated.
- Moonrise: 10:56am
- Moonset: 11:08pm
San Francisco Bay Tides
- High: 2:34am/4:16pm
- Low: 9:18am/9:41pm
Water Temp in Aquatic Park – around 57 degrees
With the start of a new month, it’s…
- American Adventures Month
- American Artists Appreciation Month
- American Indian Heritage Month
- Arrr-gust: International Pirate Month
- Black Business Month
- Children's Vision & Learning Month
- National Cowgirl Month
- National Goat Cheese Month
Today’s special holidays and celebrations:
- Assistance Dog Day
- International Can-It-Forward Day
- National Mahjong Day
- US Air Force Day
- World Lung Cancer Day
- National Raspberry Cream Pie Day
On this day in…
1498 - Christopher Columbus landed on "Isla Santa" (Venezuela).
1774 - Oxygen was isolated from air successfully by chemist Carl Wilhelm and scientist Joseph Priestly.
1790 - The first U.S. census was completed with a total population of 3,929,214 recorded.
1834 - Slavery was outlawed in the British empire with an emancipation bill.
1873 - Andrew S. Hallidie successfully tested a cable car. The design was done for San Francisco, CA.
1876 - Colorado became the 38th state to join the United States.
1893 - Shredded wheat was patented by Henry Perky and William Ford.
1894 - The first Sino-Japanese War erupted. The dispute was over control of Korea.
1907 - The U.S. Army established an aeronautical division that later became the U.S. Air Force.
1914 - Germany declared war on Russia at the beginning of World War I.
1936 - Adolf Hitler presided over the Olympic games as they opened in Berlin.
1943 - In the Solomon Islands, the U.S. Navy patrol torpedo boat PT-109 sank after being hit by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri. The boat was under the command of Lt. John F. Kennedy. Eleven of the thirteen crew survived.
1944 - In Warsaw, Poland, an uprising against Nazi occupation began. The revolt continued until October 2 when Polish forces surrendered. 1946 - In the U.S., the Atomic Energy Commission was established.
1953 - The first aluminum-faced building was completed. It was the first of this type in America.
1956 - The Social Security Act was amended to provide benefits to disabled workers aged 50-64 and disabled adult children. 1957 - The North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) was created by the United States and Canada.
1995 - Westinghouse Electric Corporation announced a deal to buy CBS for $5.4 billion. 2006 - Cuban leader Fidel Castro turned over absolute power when he gave his brother Raul authority while he underwent an intestinal surgery.
In addition to, perhaps…you, today’s birthday celebrants include or included…
- Claudius 10
- Francis Scott Key 1779
- Herman Melville 1819
- Lionel Bart 1930
- Dom DeLuise 1933
- Yves Saint Laurent 1936
- Jerry Garcia (Grateful Dead) 1942
- Tim Bachman (Bachman-Turner Overdrive) 1951
- Michael Penn 1958
- Robert Buck (10,000 Maniacs) 1958
- Adam Duritz (Counting Crows) 1964
- George Ducas 1966
- Charlie Kelley (Buffalo Club) 1968