On October 5, 2015 City Visions examines Common Core. California adopted the Common Core standards in 2010, and in the spring of 2014 the first tests were administered under the new regime. The results are in, and there is much room for improvement.
In both language arts and math, fewer than half the students who took the test exceeded the proficiency standards for their grade level. City Visions guest Host Chris Hambrick leads a discussion of Common Core and the challenges facing teachers and school administrators as they try to address disappointing test scores and a glaring achievement gap.
Richard Carranza, Superintendent, San Francisco Unified School District
Kim Towsley, Currently a 4th grade teacher at Argonne Elementary School, with 26 years of teaching experience in both public and private schoools
Debra Brown, Director of Education Policy, Children Now, a non-partisan research, policy development and advocacy organization dedicated to improving children's overall well-being