Earlier this week, the California Department of Justice released its annual report, “Homicide in California.” This most recent report, a good barometer for the state of violent crime, shows the homicide rate, now at 4.7 per 100,000 people, dropping for a fifth consecutive year to reach its lowest point since 1966. Other interesting facts from the report include:
- While Monterey and Merced counties had some of the highest homicide rates in the state, the Bay Area’s rates also remained above average: Alameda County registered a 8.3 homicide rate and San Francisco 5.6.
- The most deadly days of the week in California are Saturdays and Sundays.
- Of those deaths where a cause was identifiable, 71.2 percent of homicides were caused by a firearm.
- The vast majority (87.7 percent) of those arrested for homicide in 2010 were male.
- Almost half (48.7 percent) of homicide arrestees were Hispanic, while 25.3 percent were Black, and 17.9 percent were White.
- Meanwhile, of those convicted of homicide in California in 2010, 34 were sent to Death Row, brining the condemned population in California to 709. Ten of those sentenced to death this year came from Los Angeles County.
Find the full report here.