- 113th Day of 2013 / 252 Remaining
- 59 Days Until The First Day of Summer
- Sunrise:6:22
- Sunset:7:53
- 13 Hours 31 Minutes of Daylight
- Moon Rise:5:55pm
- Moon Set:4:52am
- Moon’s Phase:94 %
- The Next Full Moon
- April 25 @ 12:59pm
- Full Pink Moon
- Full Sprouting Grass Moon
- Full Egg Moon
- Full Fish Moon
This moon’s name came from the herb moss pink, or wild ground phlox, which is one of the earliest widespread flowers of the spring. Other names for this month’s celestial body include the Full Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and among coastal tribes the Full Fish Moon, because this was the time that the shad swam upstream to spawn.
- Tides
- High:10:01am/10:01pm
- Low:3:49am/3:42pm
- Rainfall (measured July 1 – June 30)
- This Year:16.32
- Last Year:15.30
- Normal To Date:22.69
- Annual Seasonal Average:23.80
- Holidays
- National Cherry Cheesecake Day
- National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day
- UN World Book and Copyright Day
- Book Day and Lover's Day-Spain
- Children's Day/ National Sovereignty Day-Turkey
- Peppercorn Day-Bermuda
- On This Day In …
- 1500 --- Pedro Cabal claimed Brazil for Portugal.
- 1778 --- John Paul Jones, with 30 volunteers from his ship, the USS Ranger, launches a surprise attack on the two harbor forts at Whitehaven, England. Jones' boat successfully took the southern fort, but a second boat, assigned to attack to the northern fort, returned to the Ranger without having done so, claiming to have been scared off by a strange noise. To compensate, Jones decided to burn the southern fort; the blaze ultimately consumed the entire town. It was the only American raid on English shores during the American Revolution.
- 1859 --- Beating a rival publisher by a mere 20 minutes, William Byers distributes the first newspaper ever published in the frontier boomtown of Denver, Colorado.
- 1900 --- The word, hillbilly, was first used in print in an article in the New York Journal. It was spelled a little differently, as the story said that a Hill-Billie was a “free and untrammelled white citizen of Alabama, who lives in the hills.” The article continued that “he has no means to speak of, dresses as he can, talks as he pleases, drinks whiskey when he gets it and fires off his revolver as the fancy takes him.”
- 1945 --- Less than two weeks after taking over as president after the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman gives a tongue-lashing to Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov. The incident indicated that Truman was determined to take a "tougher" stance with the Soviets than his predecessor had.
- 1951 --- The Associated Press began use of its new Teletypesetter circuit. The AP provided a perforated, paper-tape message to a news bureau in Charlotte, North Carolina. The message was then fed to a monitor for preparation into a printer. From there, the newspaper copy was completed.
- 1954 --- Hank Aaron knocks out the first home run of his Major League Baseball career. Twenty years later, Aaron becomes baseball’s new home run king when he broke Babe Ruth’s long-standing record of 714 career homers.
- 1963 --- Pete Rose of the Cincinnati Reds got his first hit in the major leagues. It was a booming triple off the Pirates’ Bob Friend. ‘Charlie Hustle’ went on to break Ty Cobb’s all-time hitting record more than 20 years later, playing for the Reds, the Phillies and the Expos.
- 1964 --- Ken Johnson of the Houston Colts will certainly never forget this day. Johnson tossed the first no-hit game -- for a loss -- in baseball history. Cincinnati’s Reds beat Johnson’s no hitter by a score of 1-0. The Reds capitalized on two costly Houston errors.
- 1969 --- Sirhan Sirhan is sentenced to the death penalty after being convicted in the assassination of politician Robert F. Kennedy. In 1972, Sirhan's sentence was commuted to life in prison after California abolished the death penalty.
- 1975 --- At a speech at Tulane University, President Gerald Ford says the Vietnam War is finished as far as America is concerned. "Today, Americans can regain the sense of pride that existed before Vietnam. But it cannot be achieved by re-fighting a war." This was devastating news to the South Vietnamese, who were desperately pleading for U.S. support as the North Vietnamese surrounded Saigon for the final assault on the capital city.
- 1985 --- The Coca-Cola Company of Atlanta, GA, made a showy, glitzy announcement that it was changing its 99-year-old secret formula. New Coke was called “the most significant soft drink development” in the company’s history. Yeah, well, so much for history. Fans of the original Coke were instrumental in bringing Classic Coke back. The way they did it was, actually, quite ingenious. They didn’t buy the new Coke and it turned out to be one of the biggest corporate flops ever.
- 1987 --- The Chrysler Corporation purchases Nuova Automobili F. Lamborghini, the Bologna, Italy-based maker of high-priced, high-performance cars. Although the terms of the deal were not disclosed, the media reported that Chrysler paid $25 million for Lamborghini, which at the time was experiencing financial difficulties
- 1988 --- In Martinez, CA, a drain valve was left open at the Shell Marsh. More than 10,000 barrels of oil poured into the marsh adjoining Peyton Slough.
- 1992 --- The first McDonald's in Beijing, China opened. It is the world's largest McDonald's, with 28,000 square feet, seating for 700 and 1,000 employees.
- 1996 --- A New York civil-court jury ordered Bernhard Goetz to pay $43 million to Darrell Cabey. Cabey was paralyzed when he was shot in subway car in 1984.
- 2003 --- U.S. President George W. Bush signed legislation that authorized the design change of the 5-cent coin (nickel) for release in 2004. It was the first change to the coin in 65 years. The change, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase, was planned to run for only two years before returning to the previous design.
- Birthdays
- James Buchanan (15th Presidennt)
- William Shakespeare
- Roy Orbison
- Max Planck
- Shirley Temple Black
- Michael Moore
- Valerie Bertinelli
- Lee Majors
- Blair Brown
- Joyce DeWitt
- Jan Hooks
- George Lopez
- Melina Kanakaredes
- William Penn
- Vladimir Nabokov
- Edwin Markham
- Sergey Prokofiev
- Roy Halston
- Herbe Villechaize
- Bernadette Devlin
- Narada Michael Walden
- Dev Patel