On the next Your Call, we’ll talk about the foreclosure crisis in California and how people are taking power into their own hands to help themselves and others resist losing their homes. In San Francisco, Occupy Bernal activists have been successful postponing six housing auctions. And they’ve set their sites on a city-wide foreclosure and eviction moratorium. Have you been affected by a foreclosure where you live? Join us at 10 or email feedback@yourcallradio.org. How do you see people creatively fighting against evictions? Up next on Your Call, with Holly Kernan, and you.
Grace Martinez, organizer with Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE)
Alberto del Rio, activist with Occupy Bernal in San Francisco and currently fighting foreclosure of his own home
Cora Currier, writer for ProPublica
ACCE: Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment
MEDA: Mission Economic Development Association
SF Bay Guardian: Save our homes
ProPublica: Breaking Down the Mortgage Settlement: How Far Does $26 Billion Go?
SF Weekly: Bayview Woman to Break into Her Foreclosed Home, Reclaim it
Huffington Post: San Francisco Foreclosures Protested By State Officials: Supervisor Avalos Calls For Moratorium
New America Media: Kamala Harris Wins $18 Billion for CA in Foreclosure Deal
SF Bayview: Help Dexter Cato and family reoccupy their home