Today is Tuesday, the 7th of January of 2025,
January 7 is the seventh day of the year
358 days remain until the end of the year
71 days until spring begins
The sun will rise in San Francisco at 7:25:30 am
and sunset will be at 5:08:11 pm.
We will have 9 hours and 42 minutes of daylight.
The solar transit will be at 12:16:50 pm.
Water temperature in Aquatic Park today is 53.2°F.
The first high tide will be at 4:23 am at 6.09 feet
The first low tide will be at 11:24 am at 0.98 feet
The next high tide at 5:31 pm at 3.85 feet
and the final low tide at 10:30 pm at 2.07 feet
The Moon is currently 56.3% visible….
It’s the first quarter moon
We will have a Full Moon in 6 days on Monday the13th of January of 2025 at 2:27 pm
Today is ….
I'm Not Going to Take it Anymore Day
International Programmers' Day
Today is also….
Orthodox Christmas Day in the Eastern Orthodox Churches and Oriental Orthodox Churches using the Julian calendar, Rastafari
Remembrance Day of the Dead (Armenia)
Nanakusa-no sekku (Japan)
Tricolour day or Festa del Tricolore (Italy)
Victory from Genocide Day (Cambodia)
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You share your special day with….
1800 – Millard Fillmore, American politician, 13th President of the United States (d. 1874)
1891 – Zora Neale Hurston, American novelist, short story writer, and folklorist (d. 1960)
1898 – Al Bowlly, Mozambican-English singer-songwriter (disputed; d. 1941)
1908 – Red Allen, American trumpet player (d. 1967)
1910 – Orval Faubus, American soldier and politician, 36th Governor of Arkansas (d. 1994)
1912 – Charles Addams, American cartoonist, created The Addams Family (d. 1988)
1928 – William Peter Blatty, American author and screenwriter (d. 2017)
1946 – Jann Wenner, American publisher, co-founded Rolling Stone
1948 – Kenny Loggins, American singer-songwriter
1957 – Katie Couric, American television journalist, anchor
1963 – Rand Paul, American politician and physician
1964 – Nicolas Cage, American actor
…and on this day in history….
1610 – Galileo Galilei makes his first observation of the four Galilean moons: Ganymede, Callisto, Io and Europa, although he is not able to distinguish the last two until the following night.
1894 – Thomas Edison makes a kinetoscopic film of someone sneezing. On the same day, his employee, William Kennedy Dickson, receives a patent for motion picture film.
1920 – The New York State Assembly refuses to seat five duly elected Socialist assemblymen.
1927 – The first transatlantic commercial telephone service is established from New York City to Londo
1954 – Georgetown–IBM experiment: The first public demonstration of a machine translation system is held in New York at the head office of IBM.
1955 – Contralto Marian Anderson becomes the first person of color to perform at the Metropolitan Opera in Giuseppe Verdi's Un ballo in maschera.
1959 – The United States recognizes the new Cuban government of Fidel Castro.
1980 – U.S. President Jimmy Carter authorizes legislation giving $1.5 billion in loans to bail out the Chrysler Corporation.
1999 – The Senate trial in the impeachment of U.S. President Bill Clinton begins.
2021 – The United States Congress certifies the results of 2020 United States presidential election, confirming the election of Joe Biden, on the morning of the 7th after the Capitol was attacked the day before during earlier attempts to certify the election by supporters of the incumbent president Donald Trump, who lost re-election to Biden and attempted to overturn the results of the election.
2023 – The longest U.S. House of Representatives speaker election since the December 1859 – February 1860 U.S. speaker election concludes and Kevin McCarthy is elected 55th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives