Today is Wednesday December 4, 2024
It is the 339th day of the year
27 days remain until the end of the year.
17 days until Winter Solstice
Sunrise at 7:09:59 am
and sunset will be at 4:50:44 pm.
We will have 9 hours and 40 minutes of daylight
The solar transit will be at 12:00:21 pm.
The first high tide will be at 1:44 am at 4.68 feet
The first low tide will be at 5:52 am at 3.56 feet
The next high tide at 11:37 am at 6.05 feet
and the final low tide at Ocean Beach tonight will be at 6:59 pm at -0.79 feet
First Quarter Moon in 4 days Monday the 8th of December of 2024 at 7:27 am
Today is….
Extraordinary Work Team Recognition Day
National Package Protection Day
Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting
Today is also….
Thai Environment Day in Thailand
Tupou I Day in Tonga
IF today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You share your special day with….
AD 34 – Persius, Roman poet (d. 62)
1875 – Rainer Maria Rilke, Austrian-Swiss poet and author (d. 1926)
1910 – Alex North, American composer and conductor (d. 1991)
1936 – John Giorno, American poet and performance artist (d. 2019)
1937 – Max Baer Jr., American actor, director, and producer
1944 – Chris Hillman, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
1944 – Anna McGarrigle, Canadian musician and singer-songwriter
1948 – Southside Johnny, American singer-songwriter
1949 – Jeff Bridges, American actor
1955 – Cassandra Wilson, American singer-songwriter and producer
1964 – Marisa Tomei, American actress
1966 – Fred Armisen, American actor and musician
1966 – Suzanne Malveaux, American journalist
1966 – Suzette M. Malveaux, American lawyer and academic
1969 – Jay-Z, American rapper, producer, actor, and co-founder of Roc-A-Fella Records
1973 – Tyra Banks, American model, actress, and producer
1973 – Kate Rusby, English singer-songwriter and guitarist
1984 – Jelly Roll, American singer and rapper
….and on this day in history…..
1865 – North Carolina ratifies 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, followed two days later by Georgia, and U.S. slaves were legally free within two weeks.
1881 – The first edition of the Los Angeles Times is published.
1906 – Alpha Phi Alpha the first intercollegiate Greek lettered fraternity for African-Americans was founded at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
1918 – U.S. President Woodrow Wilson sails for the World War I peace talks in Versailles, becoming the first US president to travel to Europe while in office.1956 – The Million Dollar Quartet (Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, and Johnny Cash) get together at Sun Studio for the first and last time.
1964 – during the Free Speech Movement, Police arrest over 800 students at the University of California, Berkeley, following their takeover and sit-in at the administration building in protest of the UC Regents' decision to forbid protests on UC property.
1978 – Following the murder of Mayor George Moscone, Dianne Feinstein becomes San Francisco's first female mayor.
1991 – Terry A. Anderson is released after seven years in captivity as a hostage in Beirut; he is the last and longest-held American hostage in Lebanon.
1991 – Pan American World Airways ceases its operations after 64 years.
2005 – Tens of thousands of people in Hong Kong protest for democracy and call on the government to allow universal and equal suffrage.