“Cannabis chief” requirements… Recreational cannabis lacks broad support in California… Post Office won’t deliver newspapers with marijuana ads… Business… Health… and more.
Requirements for California’s cannabis chief // SFChronicle For starters, “ ‘You’re going to have be trusted at the local level, trusted at the state level, trusted by law enforcement, and be able to help connect 17 different agencies who want to talk to each other’.” But no drug tests are required.
Recreational legalization: who cares? // East Bay Express More Californians think legalization of recreational cannabis “is not at all important” than those who consider it “very important,” according to a new poll.
Hemp farming OK in part of India // International Business Times "The state government has put a condition that the produce will be sold only to the department and not to others." And THC levels must be kept very low.
“Pot breath test breakthrough” // SF Chronicle Such a device “could be a catalyst in softening opposition to marijuana legalization nationwide,” but “[t]he development needs to be accompanied by studies of marijuana’s effects on driver impairment, including road tests.”
Colorado testing lab shuts down // The Cannabist “The shutdown of one of the largest cannabis labs in Colorado, and one considered an industry leader, comes after months of controversy involving the company’s leadership.” But, they say, it’s not necessarily bad news.
Colorado sees cannabis price spike // MJBizDaily You know that price collapse that was predicted? The opposite is actually happening. Some say it's due to "a new microbial testing requirement that went into effect Oct. 9 for recreational cannabis."
Joint listing for Golden Leaf // Financial Times “Golden Leaf Holdings, one of the largest cannabis oil producers in the US, has said it will list on London’s Aim or in Germany early next year — and in New York within a month,” making it “the first marijuana producer with a joint listing in Europe and the US.”
No mail delivery of newspaper with marijuana ads // Willamette Week “It's illegal to mail a newspaper with medical or recreational weed ads,” says a letter from the USPS to a Washington state newspaper.
Outdoor grow sites are better for the environment // SFGate “Indoor marijuana farms are needlessly adding to climate change by using an estimated one percent of electricity generated in the U.S., according to a newly released policy paper.”
Obesity drops with medical cannabis laws // NORML “For those age 35 or older, authors determined that the passage of medical cannabis laws is ‘associated with an increase in physical wellness and frequent exercise consistent with the hypothesis of some medicinal use of marijuana.’ For younger adults, researchers theorized that obesity declines were the result of less alcohol use.”
The Emerald Cup enters 12th year // The Emerald Cup The fall harvest event described by Rolling Stone as “the Academy Awards of the cannabis industry” takes place next weekend in Santa Rosa
What’s your marijuana story? // Spark the Conversation “Spark the Conversation is here to change the social stigma of cannabis and the people who use it.” Find out what others say, and share your story.
[New content is generally posted on Friday.]