This story first aired on August 26, 2021 and it aired again most recently in the July 23, 2024 episode of Crosscurrents.
That group became the founders of Beast Crawl, Oakland's own entirely free annual literary festival. It’s focused on platforming the talent of writers with deep roots in the East Bay. And it’s also happening this weekend! So today, we revisit a conversation with one of those five founding writers, Paul Corman Roberts. Here he is speaking with KALW’s Jenee Darden about his poetry book “Bone Moon Palace.”
"There’s a point in my evolution as a poet where I am finding my voice, but then there's the point where I’m learning to use my voice for good."Paul Corman Roberts
He’s co-founder of the literary festival Beast Crawl, which will take place virtually this Labor Day Weekend.
Visit for more information.
*Jack Hirschman is mentioned in this interview. The interview took place before his passing.