Today Monday, 23th of April of 2018 is the 113th day of the year.
There are 252 days remaining until the end of the year
59 days until summer begins...
197 days until mid-term elections Tuesday November 6, 2018
(6 months and 14 days from today)
925 days until presidential elections Tuesday November 3, 2020
(2 years 6 months and 11 days from today)
The sun rises at 6:23 am
and sunset will be at 7:54 pm.
Today we will have 13 hours and 31 minutes of daylight.
Solar noon will be at 1:08 pm.
The first low tide was at 12:21am
The first high tide will be at 6:02 am
The next low tide will be at 12:54 pm.
and the final high tide at 8:20 pm.
The Moon is 56.7% visible
a Waxing Gibbous
Moon Direction: ↑ 309.19° NW
Moon Altitude: -17.78°
Moon Distance: 230677 mi
Next Full Moon: Sunday April 29, 2018 at 5:58 pm
Next New Moon: Tuesday May 15, 2018 at 4:47 am
Next Moonrise: Today at 1:24 pm
Last Quarter Moon in 15 days on Monday the 7th of May of 2018 at 7:09 pm
First Quarter Moon in 28 days on a Monday the 21st of May of 2018 at 8:49 pm
Today is…
International Nose Picking Day
International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day
National Cherry Cheesecake Day
National Lost Dog Awareness Day
It is also…
Castile and León Day in northwestern Spain
Independence Day in the Conch Republic, Key West, Florida
International Pixel-Stained Techno-peasant Day
Khongjom Day in the eastern Indian state of Manipur
National Sovereignty and Children's Day in Turkey and Northern Cyprus
La Diada de Sant Jordi in Catalonia, Spain
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday to you! You share this special day with…
1564 – William Shakespeare, English poet, playwright, and actor (d.1616)
1621 – William Penn, English admiral and politician (d. 1670)
1791 – James Buchanan, American soldier, lawyer, and politician, 15th President of the United States (d. 1868)
1895 – Ngaio Marsh, New Zealand author and director (d. 1982)
1928 – Shirley Temple, American actress, singer, dancer, and diplomat (d. 2014)
1936 – Roy Orbison, American singer-songwriter (d. 1988)
1947 – Bernadette Devlin McAliskey, Irish republican activist; co-founder, Irish Republican Socialist Party (1974); British MP Mid Ulster (1969–74)
1952 – Narada Michael Walden, African-American singer-songwriter, drummer, and producer
1954 – Michael Moore, American director, producer, and activist
1960 – Valerie Bertinelli, American actress
1968 – Timothy McVeigh, American terrorist, Oklahoma City bombing co-perpetrator (d. 2001)
1977 – John Oliver, English comedian, actor, producer, and screenwriter
…and on this day in history…
1343 – St. George's Night Uprising commences in the Duchy of Estonia.
1635 – The first public school in the United States, Boston Latin School, is founded in Boston.
1914 – First baseball game at Wrigley Field, then known as Weeghman Park, in Chicago.
1968 – Vietnam War: Student protesters at Columbia University in New York City take over administration buildings and shut down the university.
1985 – Coca-Cola changes its formula and releases New Coke. The response is overwhelmingly negative, and the original formula is back on the market in less than three months.
1990 – Namibia becomes the 160th member of the United Nations and the 50th member of the Commonwealth of Nations.
1993 – Eritreans vote overwhelmingly for independence from Ethiopia in a United Nations-monitored referendum.
2005 – The first ever YouTube video, titled "Me at the zoo", was published by user "jawed".