Today Wednesday, the 11th of October of 2017 is the 284th day of the year...
There are 81 days remaining until the end of the year.
391 days until mid-term elections on Tuesday November 6, 2018
(1 year and 26 days from today)
1119 days until presidential elections on Tuesday November 03 2020
(3 years and 23 days from today)
The sun will rise in San Francisco at 7:15 am
and sunset will be at 6:36 pm.
Today we will have 11 hours and 21 minutes of daylight.
Solar noon will be at 12:55 pm.
The first high tide will be at 5:29am
and the next high tide at 4:23 pm.
The first low tide will be at 10:14 am
and the next low tide at 11:16 pm.
Moon: 61.8%
Waning Gibbous
Moon Direction: ↑ 129.05° SE
Moon Altitude 63.78°
Moon Distance: 229305 mi
Next New Moon: Thursday October 19, 2017 at 12:12 pm
Next Full Moon: Friday November 3, 2017 at 10:22 pm
Next Moonset: Today at 1:33 pm
Today is…
"You Go, Girl" Day
Emergency Nurses Day
General Pulaski Memorial Day
International Day of the Girl Child
International Top Spinning Day
Myths and Legends Day
National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work and School Day
National Coming Out Day
National Food Truck Day
National Fossil Day
National It's My Party Day
National Pet Obesity Awareness Day
National Sausage Pizza Day
National Stop Bullying Day
National Take your Parents to Lunch Day
Southern Food Heritage Day
Stop America's Violence Everywhere Today
Today is also…
International Day of the Girl Child
International Newspaper Carrier Day
It’s the Celtic holiday of Old Michaelmas Day
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday to you! You share this day with…
1884 – Eleanor Roosevelt, American humanitarian and politician, 39th First Lady of the United States (d. 1962)
1905 – Fred Trump, American real estate entrepreneur (d. 1999)
1919 – Art Blakey, American drummer and bandleader (d. 1990)
1926 – Thích Nhất Hạnh, Vietnamese monk, author, and poet
1941 – Lester Bowie, American trumpet player and composer (d. 1999)
1942 – Amitabh Bachchan, Indian Actor
1946 – Daryl Hall, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer
1962 – Joan Cusack, American actress
1966 – Luke Perry, American actor and producer
1966 – Todd Snider, American singer-songwriter
On this day in history…
1811 – Inventor John Stevens' boat, the Juliana, begins operation as the first steam-powered ferry (service between New York City, New York, and Hoboken, New Jersey).
1899 – The Western League is renamed the American League.
1906 – San Francisco public school board sparks a diplomatic crisis between the United States and Japan by ordering Japanese students to be taught in racially segregated schools.
1910 – Former President Theodore Roosevelt becomes the first U.S. president to fly in an airplane. He flew for four minutes with Arch Hoxsey in a plane built by the Wright brothers at Kinloch Field (Lambert–St. Louis International Airport), St. Louis, Missouri.
1950 – Television: CBS's mechanical color system is the first to be licensed for broadcast by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission.
1962 – Second Vatican Council: Pope John XXIII convenes the first ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church in 92 years.
1968 – Apollo program: NASA launches Apollo 7, the first successful manned Apollo mission, with astronauts Wally Schirra, Donn F. Eisele and Walter Cunningham aboard.
1975 – The NBC sketch comedy/variety show Saturday Night Live debuts.
1986 – Cold War: U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev meet in Reykjavík, Iceland, in an effort to continue discussions about scaling back their intermediate missile arsenals in Europe.
1987 – First public display of AIDS Memorial Quilt on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., during the Second National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights.
1994 – Korn releases their self-titled debut album, which has been considered to start the whole nu metal genre.
2001 – The Polaroid Corporation files for federal bankruptcy protection.