- 94th Day of 2014 / 271 Remaining
- 78 Days Until The First Day of Summer
- Sunrise:6:48
- Sunset:7:35
- 12 Hours 47 Minutes of Daylight
- Moon Rise:10:16AM
- Moon Set:12:46AM(Saturday)
- Moon’s Phase: 26 %
- The Next Full Moon
- April 15 @ 12:45 am
- Full Pink Moon
- Full Sprouting Moon
- Full Egg Moon
- Full Grass Moon
- Full Fish Moon
This name came from the herb moss pink, or wild ground phlox, which is one of the earliest widespread flowers of the spring. Other names for this month’s celestial body include the Full Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and among coastal tribes the Full Fish Moon, because this was the time that the shad swam upstream to spawn.
- Tides
- High:2:09am/4:07pm
- Low:9:06am/9:13pm
- Rainfall
- This Year:11.92
- Last Year:16.22
- Average Year to Date:21.68
- Holidays
- National Cordon Bleu Day
- Vitamin C Day
- Victims of Violence Wholly Day
- Tomb Sweeping-Taiwan
- Independence Day-Senegal
- International Day For Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action
- Basque National Day-Spain
- Heroes Day-Lesotho
- International Carrot Day
- On This Day In …
- 1581 --- Francis Drake completed the circumnavigation of the world.
- 1818 --- The U.S. flag was declared to have 13 red and white stripes and 20 stars and that a new star would be added for the each new state.
- 1828 --- Casparus van Wooden of Amsterdam, patented chocolate milk powder.
- 1841 --- President William Henry Harrison dies after serving only 32 days in office. Harrison holds the unfortunate presidential record of shortest term in office. Ironically, the man with the shortest White House tenure delivered the longest inaugural address in history, which may have been his undoing. This first presidential speech, delivered on a bitterly cold March morning, clocked in at one hour and 45 minutes. Harrison went to bed at the end of inauguration day with a bad cold that soon developed into a fatal case of pneumonia. Some historians have claimed that a case of hepatitis may also have contributed to his demise.
- 1848 --- Thomas Douglas became the first San Francisco public teacher.
- 1859 --- Daniel Emmett introduced "I Wish I was in Dixie’s Land." About two years later the song became the Civil War song of the Confederacy.
- 1865 --- According to the recollection of one of his friends, Ward Hill Lamon, President Abraham Lincoln dreams on this night in 1865 of "the subdued sobs of mourners" and a corpse lying on a catafalque in the White House East Room. In the dream, Lincoln asked a soldier standing guard "Who is dead in the White House?" to which the soldier replied, "the President.he was killed by an assassin." Lincoln woke up at that point. On April 11, he told Lamon that the dream had "strangely annoyed" him ever since. Ten days after having the dream, Lincoln was shot dead by an assassin while attending the theater.
- 1871 --- Mary Florence Potts of Ottumwa, Iowa patented the 'Mrs. Potts' pressing iron. It had a detachable handle so several iron bodies could be heated and used in turn as one cooled down.
- 1887 --- Susanna M. Salter became the first woman mayor in the U.S. She was duly elected by the people of Argonia, KS. Ms. Salter won by a two-thirds majority but didn’t even know she was in the
- 1914 --- The first known serialized moving picture opened in New York City, NY. It was "The Perils of Pauline".
- 1932 --- Professor C.G. King of the University of Pittsburgh isolated vitamin C after five years of research.
- 1949 --- The United States and 11 other nations establish the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a mutual defense pact aimed
- 1953 --- Fifteen doctors were released by Soviet leaders. The doctors had been arrested before Stalin had died and were accused of plotting against him.
- 1960 --- Clocking in at three hours and 32 minutes, William Wyler’s Technicolor epic Ben-Hur is the behemoth entry at the 32nd annual Academy Awards ceremony, held on this day in 1960, at the RKO Pantages Theatre in Hollywood. Setting an Oscar record, the film swept 11 of the 12 categories in which it was nominated, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor.
- 1964 --- The Beatles set an all-time record on the Top 100 chart of Billboard magazine this day. All five of the top songs were by the British rock group. In addition, The Beatles also had the number one album as Meet the Beatles continued to lead all others. The LP was
- 1968 --- Martin Luther King Jr. is fatally shot while standing on the balcony outside his second-story room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. The civil rights leader was in Memphis to support a sanitation workers' strike and was on his way to dinner when a bullet struck him in the jaw and severed his spinal cord. King was pronounced dead after his arrival at a Memphis hospital. He was 39 years old. In the months before his assassination, Martin Luther King became increasingly concerned with the problem of economic inequality in America. He organized a Poor People's
- 1974 --- Hank Aaron tied Babe Ruth's major league baseball home-run record with 714.
- 1988 --- Arizona Governor Evan Mecham was voted out of office by the Arizona Senate. Mecham was found guilty of diverting state funds to his auto business and of trying to impede an investigation into a death threat to a grand jury witness.
- 1998 --- A locust plague in Ethiopia was reported that covered almost 4,000 acres.
- Birthdays
- Hugh Masekela
- Muddy Waters(McKinley Morganfield)
- Maya Angelou
- Linus Yale
- Dorothea Dix
- Arthur Murray
- Kitty Kelley
- Ray Fosse
- Robert Downey Jr
- Jill Scott
- Heath Ledger
- A Bartlett Giamatti
- Yamamoto Isoroku
- William Jackson