On this edition of Your Call, we discuss the state of abortion in the US one year after conservatives on the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
Fourteen states have completely banned abortion and 61 clinics, Planned Parenthood facilities, and doctors’ offices stopped offering abortions, according to the New York Times. From July 2022 through March 2023, more than 25,000 people were unable to get an abortion from a provider, according to The Society of Family Planning.
Some clinics in conservative states are still offering crucial non-abortion services, but they are struggling to survive. How can we support them?
Robin Marty, operations director for the West Alabama Women's Center, freelance reporter, and author of Handbook for a Post-Roe America
Jessica Mason Pieklo, senior vice president and executive editor of the Rewire News Group, author of The End of Roe v. Wade: Inside the Right’s Plan to Destroy Legal Abortion, and co-host of the podcast Boom! Lawyered
Web Resources:
Rewire News: Why I’m Angrier Than Ever a Year After the Overturn of ‘Roe’
New York Magazine: What’s an Ex–Abortion Doctor in Alabama to Do?Fight for better pregnancies and births for those who have no choice.
Politico: This Alabama Health Clinic Is Under Threat. It Doesn’t Provide Abortions.
New York Times: One Year, 61 Clinics: How Dobbs Changed the Abortion Landscape
Jezebel: The Abortion Stories We Don’t Talk About
Rewire News: Anti-Abortion and Fascist Violence Are One and the Same. Clinics Are Paying the Price.
Rewire News: Video Reveals Anti-Abortion Groups Expected ‘Dobbs’ Backlash That Never Came