Today is Tuesday, the 19th of November of 2024,
November 19 is the 324th day of the year
42 days remain until the end of the year.
32 days until winter begins
sunrise at 6:55:13 am
and sunset will be at 4:55:04 pm.
We will have 9 hours and 59 minutes of daylight
The solar transit will be at 11:55:08 am.
Water temperature in Aquatic Park today is 55.9°F.
the first high tide was at 2:04 am at 5.02 feet
The first low tide will be at 6:34 am at 3.41 feet
The next high tide at 12:11 pm at 6.27 feet
and the next low tide at 7:53 pm at -0.82 feet
The Moon is currently 83.1% visible
It’s a Waning Gibbous moon
Last Quarter Moon in 3 days on Friday the 22nd of November of 2024 at 5:28 pm
Today is….
National Carbonated Beverage with Caffeine Day
Today is also….
Day of Discovery of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)
Day of Missile Forces and Artillery (Russia, Belarus)
Garifuna Settlement Day (Belize)
Martyrs' Day (Uttar Pradesh, India)
The Sovereign Prince's Day (Monaco)
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You share your special day with….
1831 – James A. Garfield, American general, lawyer, and politician, 20th President of the United States (d. 1881)
1905 – Tommy Dorsey, American trombonist, composer and bandleader (d. 1956)
1909 – Peter Drucker, Austrian-American theorist, educator, and author (d. 2005).
1917 – Indira Gandhi, Indian politician, 3rd Prime Minister of India (d. 1984) 1919 – Alan Young, English-Canadian actor, singer, and director (d. 2016)
1920 – Gene Tierney, American actress and singer (d. 1991)
1921 – Roy Campanella, American baseball player and coach (d. 1993)
1926 – Jeane Kirkpatrick, American academic and diplomat, 16th United States Ambassador to the United Nations (d. 2006)
1933 – Larry King, American journalist and talk show host (d. 2021)
1936 – Dick Cavett, American actor and talk show host
1938 – Ted Turner, American businessman and philanthropist, founded Turner Broadcasting System
1939 – Tom Harkin, American lawyer and politician
1941 – Tommy Thompson, American captain and politician, 19th United States Secretary of Health and Human Services
1942 – Calvin Klein, American fashion designer, founded Calvin Klein Inc.
1957 – Ofra Haza, Israeli singer-songwriter and actress (d. 2000)
1961 – Meg Ryan, American actress and producer
1962 – Jodie Foster, American actress, director, and producer
1976 – Jack Dorsey, American businessman, co-founded Twitter
….and on this day in history…..
1802 – The Garinagu arrive at British Honduras (present-day Belize).
1916 – Samuel Goldwyn and Edgar Selwyn establish Goldwyn Pictures.
1985 – Cold War: In Geneva, U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Union General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev meet for the first time.
1998 – Clinton–Lewinsky scandal: The United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee begins impeachment hearings against President Bill Clinton.