Today is Wednesday, the 13th of November of 2024,
November 13 is the 318th day of the year
48 days remain until the end of the year.
38 days until winter begins
Sunrise at 6:48:52 am
and sunset will be at 4:58:54 pm.
We will have 10 hours and 10 minutes of daylight
The solar transit will be at 11:53:53 am.
Water temperature in Aquatic Park today is 58.5°F
The first low tide was at 1:39 am at 1.12 feet
The first high tide will be at 8:02 am at 6.46 feet
The next low tide at 2:42 pm at -0.23 feet
and the final high tide at Ocean Beach tonight will be at 9:06 pm at 5.03 feet
The Moon is currently 92% visible
It’s a Waxing Gibbous
We’ll have a Full Moon in 2 days on Friday the 15th of November of 2024 at 1:29 pm
This week’s moon is called the Full Beaver Moon
This was the time when beavers finished preparations for winter and retreated into their lodges.
The November Full Moon is also called the…
• Deer Rutting Moon (Dakota, Lakota)
• Digging/Scratching Moon (Tlingit)
• Freezing Moon (Anishinaabe)
• Frost Moon (Cree, Assiniboine)
• Whitefish Moon (Algonquin)
Today is….
Today is also….
The anniversary of the November 2015 Paris attacks.
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You share your special day with….
1850 – Robert Louis Stevenson, Scottish novelist, poet, and essayist (d. 1894)
1856 – Louis Brandeis, American lawyer and jurist (d. 1941)
1913 – Lon Nol, Cambodian general and politician, 37th Prime Minister of Cambodia (d. 1985)
1928 – Hampton Hawes, American pianist and author (d. 1977)
1929 – Fred Phelps, American lawyer, pastor, and activist, founded the Westboro Baptist Church (d. 2014)
1938 – Jean Seberg, American-French actress and singer (d. 1979)
1939 – Idris Muhammad, American drummer and composer (d. 2014)
1946 – Ray Wylie Hubbard, American country singer-songwriter and guitarist
1947 – Amory Lovins, American physicist and environmentalist
1955 – Whoopi Goldberg, American actress, comedian, and talk show host
1967 – Jimmy Kimmel, American comedian, actor, and talk show host
1969 – Lori Berenson, American activist
….and on this day in history….
1833 – Great Meteor Storm of 1833.
1922 – The United States Supreme Court upholds mandatory vaccinations for public school students in Zucht v. King
1940 – Walt Disney's animated musical film Fantasia is first released at New York's Broadway Theatre, on the first night of a roadshow.
1956 – The Supreme Court of the United States declares Alabama laws requiring segregated buses illegal, thus ending the Montgomery bus boycott.
1969 – Vietnam War: Anti-war protesters in Washington, D.C. stage a symbolic March Against Death.
1982 – The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C. after a march to its site by thousands of Vietnam War veterans.
2013 – Hawaii legalizes same-sex marriage.