Today is Thursday, September 12th, 2024, the 255th day of the year with 110 days remain until the end of the year.
- Sunrise: 6:49am
- Sunset: 7:21pm
The waxing gibbous moon (63% visible) will set at 12:12am and rise at 4:10pm.
At the Golden Gate...
- High Tides: 9:27am/7:01pm
- Low Tides: 1:20am/1:07pm
...water temperature at Aquatic Park will reach a high of 63 degrees today.
Today is...
- International Programmers Day
- National Day of Encouragement
- National Hug and High 5 Day
- National Just One Human Family Day
- National Police Woman's Day
- National School Picture Day
On this day in...
1609 - English explorer Henry Hudson sailed down what is now known as the Hudson River.
1873 - The first practical typewriter was sold to customers.
1953 - U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier.
1983 - Arnold Schwarzenegger became a U.S. citizen. He had emigrated from Austria 14 years earlier.
1992 - Dr. Mae Carol Jemison became the first African-American woman in space. She was the payload specialist aboard the space shuttle Endeavor. Also onboard were Mission Specialist N. Jan Davis and Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Mark C. Lee. They were the first married couple to fly together in space. And, Mamoru Mohri became the first Japanese person to fly into space.
Birthday celebrants today include (or included)...
- H.L. Mencken 1880
- Maurice Chevalier 1888
- Jesse Owens 1913
- Irene Dailey 1920
- Yma Sumac 1924
- Ian Holm 1931
- George Jones 1931
- Linda Gray 1940 - Actress ("Dallas")
- Maria Muldaur 1943 - Singer
- Barry White 1944
- Joe Pantoliano 1951 - Actor ("The Sopranos")
- Neil Peart 1952 - Drummer (Rush)
- Peter Scolari 1954 - Actor
- Brian Robertson (Wild Horses, Thin Lizzy) 1956
- Rachel Ward 1957 - Actress
- Ben Folds 1966 - Singer, musician (Ben Folds Five)
- Louis C.K. 1967 - Comedian, actor
- Paul Walker 1973 - Actor