Today is Friday, 4th of August of 2023,
August 4 is the 216th day of the year
149 days remain until the end of the year.
50 days until autumn begins
The sun rose earlier this hour at 6:15:59 am
and the sun will set this evening at 8:14:54 pm.
We will have 13 hours and 58 minutes of daylight
The solar transit will be at 1:15:26 pm.
Water temperature in San Francisco Bay today is 63.1°F.
The first high tide was early this morning at 12:43 am at 6.58 feet
The first low tide will be at 7:27 am at -0.76 feet
The next high tide at 2:12 pm at 5.75 feet
and the final low tide at Ocean Beach will be 8:22 pm this evening at 1.82 feet
The Moon is currently 88.7% visible
It’s a Waning Gibbous
Last Quarter Moon 8th of August of 2023 at 3:28 am in 4 days
Today is…
National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
Today is also…
Matica slovenská Day in Slovakia
Barack Obama Day in Illinois in the United States
2020 Beirut explosion commemoration day in Lebanon
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You share this special day with…
1821 – Louis Vuitton, French fashion designer, founded Louis Vuitton (d. 1892)
1821 – James Springer White, American religious leader, co-founded the Seventh-day Adventist Church (d. 1881)
1870 – Harry Lauder, Scottish actor and singer (d. 1950)
1898 – Ernesto Maserati, Italian race car driver and engineer (d. 1975)
1900 – Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother of the United Kingdom (d. 2002)
1901 – Louis Armstrong, American trumpet player and singer (d. 1971)
1912 – Raoul Wallenberg, Swedish architect and diplomat (d. 1947)
1952 – Moya Brennan, Irish singer-songwriter and harp player
1961 – Barack Obama, American lawyer and politician, 44th President of the United States, Nobel Prize laureate
1983 – Greta Gerwig, American actress, producer, and screenwriter
…and on this day in history…
1693 – Date traditionally ascribed to Dom Perignon's invention of champagne; it is not clear whether he actually invented
champagne, however he has been credited as an innovator who developed the techniques used to perfect sparkling wine.
1821 – The Saturday Evening Post is published for the first time as a weekly newspaper.
1914 – World War I: In response to the German invasion of Belgium, Belgium and the British Empire declare war on Germany. The
United States declares its neutrality.
1964 – Civil rights movement: Civil rights workers Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney are found dead in
Mississippi after disappearing on June 21.
1964 – Second Gulf of Tonkin Incident: U.S. destroyers USS Maddox and USS Turner Joy mistakenly report coming under attack in the Gulf of Tonkin
1977 – U.S. President Jimmy Carter signs legislation creating the United States Department of Energy.
1987 – The Federal Communications Commission rescinds the Fairness Doctrine which had required radio and television stations to present controversial issues "fairly".