A quick summary of just what bankruptcy is, different types of bankruptcy cases.
How does all this work.
In the aftermath of the various economic stimuli and protections born of the pandemic, are bankruptcies on the rise?
It’s been 14 months since last we examined the law of bankruptcy; any changes in store?
Tonight, YLR host Jeff Hayden and tonight's co-host Dean Johnson host Leon Bayer to talk about bankruptcy, and debtor’s rights; more importantly, we are here to take your calls and answer your questions.
YLR host Jeff Hayden welcomes Leon Bayer. Certified as a Bankruptcy Law Specialist by the California Board of Legal Specialization, State Bar of California, Mr. Bayer is co-author of THE NEW BANKRUPTCY: WILL IT WORK FOR YOU? published by Nolo Press.
Questions for Jeff, Dean and Leon? Please call us, toll-free, at (866) 798-8255.