Employment Law -- Implicit Bias in the Workplace. Guests: Allison Elgart, Legal Director at the Equal Justice Society, representing employees; Chuck Thompson, representing management; and Thomas Lenz, Vice-Chair of the Labor & Employment Law Section of the State Bar of California. Questions for Chuck's guests? Please call toll-free 866-798-8255. This is also our once-a-month Call-A-Lawyer Night. So, while Your Legal Rights broadcasts on 91.7 FM (online kalw.org) 7 'til 8pm PDT, attorneys are available off-the-air as well -- 800-525-9917, for private no-fee consultation on a variety of legal questions. Then, Thursday, August 31st, Leon Bayer, Certified Specialist in Bankruptcy Law, will be taking calls on Bankruptcy, 800-477-3111, 9am-Noon PDT, Mr Bayer's no-obligation public service to KALW listeners.