On this edition of Your Call’s One Planet Series, award-winning journalist Lynzy Billing discusses her groundbreaking investigation about the impact of the United States' 20-year military occupation on Afghanistan's environment.
Afghans who lived near vast bases say the US military’s lack of even minimal environmental protections polluted their land, poisoned their water, and sickened their children. The consequences of the contamination may last for generations.
Lynzy Billing, investigative journalist and photographer based between Afghanistan and Iraq
Carly A. Krakow, writer, journalist, scholar of international law and environmental and climate justice, and faculty member at the NYU Gallatin School
Web Resources:
News Lines Magazine: How America’s War Devastated Afghanistan’s Environment
ProPublica: The Night Doctrine: ProPublica’s First Animated Documentary Traces Reporting on Afghanistan’s Zero Units
Scientific American: U.S. Forces Are Leaving a Toxic Environmental Legacy in Afghanistan
Aljazeera: The US must compensate burn pit victims in Iraq too
The Washington Post: President Biden’s focus on environmental justice has a crucial blind spot