On this edition of Your Call's One Planet Series, environmentalist journalist Christina Gerhardt joins us for part two of our conversation about her new book, Sea Change: An Atlas of Islands in a Rising Ocean, which details the impacts of sea level rise on islands around the world.
Island nations have contributed the least to CO2 emissions and global warming, but they are suffering the brunt of it. Gerhardt highlights Indigenous and Black voices and communities working to save their nations, histories, cultures, and languages.
Christina Gerhardt, environmental journalist, Associate Professor at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Senior Fellow at UC Berkeley, and author of Sea Change: An Atlas of Islands in a Rising Ocean
Web Resources:
The Guardian: ‘We could lose our status as a state’: what happens to a people when their land disappears
The New York Times: In Florida, Swimmers Brave an Ocean That Feels Like Steamy Syrup
Grist: Erosion and sea-level rise are coming for their Louisiana home. They’re staying anyway.
New Scientist: Much of Greenland's ice could melt even if world doesn't get warmer
CNBC: Big Oil rakes in record profit haul of nearly $200 billion, fueling calls for higher taxes