On this edition of Your Call, we discuss the 6-3 Supreme Court decision that struck down President Biden’s plan to relieve up to $20,000 in student debt for nearly 43 million borrowers. The three liberals on the court dissented.
In September 2022, a month after the President announced the plan, a conservative attorney in Indiana filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn the plan. Republican attorneys general in six states followed suit: South Carolina, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, and Arkansas. They called the plan unlawful and unfair.
There was big money and well connected groups behind the lawsuit, including the Job Creators Network, which is funded by an extreme right-wing donor network, according to More Perfect Union. What's next?
Natalia Abrams, president and co-founder of the Student Debt Crisis Center
Melissa Byrne, longtime consultant, organizer with Bernie Sanders for President in 2016 and 2020, and the founder of We, the 45 Million
Web Resources:
The Lever: New Documents Undermine Supreme Court Student Debt Case
More Perfect Union: What You Need To Know About The Supreme Court's Student Debt Case
CNBC: Millions of student loan borrowers don’t have a diploma to show for their debt
USA Today: Student debt: Why Biden's backup plan may wind up in trouble again at the Supreme Court
The Atlantic: Biden's Plan B for Student Debt