On this edition of Your Call’s One Planet Series, environmental journalist Jake Bittle discusses his new book, The Great Displacement: Climate Change and the Next American Migration.
Bittle tells the stories of those who are already experiencing life on the move, while detailing just how radically climate change will transform our lives, erase historic towns and villages, and reshape the geography of the United States.
He writes, "Each passing year brings disasters that disfigure new parts of the United States, and these disasters alter the course of human lives, pushing people from one place to another, destroying old communities and forcing new ones to emerge."
Jake Bittle, staff writer at Grist and author of The Great Displacement: Climate Change and the Next American Migration
Web Resources:
The Guardian, Jake Bittle: The American climate migration has already begun
Inside Climate News: To Flee, or to Stay Until the End and Be Swallowed by the Sea
YaleEnvironment360: As Climate Fears Mount, Some in U.S. Are Deciding to Relocate