On this edition of Your Call’s One Planet series, climate scientist Dr. Kimberly Nicholas discusses her new book, Under the Sky We Make: How to Be Human in a Warming World.
She argues we need people with the courage, compassion and imagination to transform themselves, and society, in the ways that science tells us are necessary to maintain conditions for life on Earth to be able to thrive.
She writes, "Saving ourselves from climate apocalypse will require radical shifts within each of us, to effect real change in our society and culture. But it can be done."
Dr. Kimberly Nicholas, senior lecturer in sustainability science at Lund University in Sweden, and author of Under the Sky We Make: How to Be Human in a Warming World, and the monthly climate newsletter, We Can Fix It
Web Resources:
The Washington Post: People don’t really talk about climate change. Here’s how to start.
Grist: People doubt their actions affect climate change. Is that a bad thing?
Science: Sink into your grief.' How one scientist confronts the emotional toll of climate change