On this edition of Your Call’s media roundtable, we're discussing America After 9/11, a new FRONTLINE documentary that examines the US response to the terrorist attacks and the consequences of the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the lies about weapons of mass destruction, the torture policies in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, and the rise of xenophobia at home.
What have the media learned from the past 20 years? And who should be held responsible for 9/11 policies?
Michael Kirk, award winning documentary filmmaker and director of FRONTLINE's America After 9/11
Web Resources:
The FRONTLINE interviews: AMERICA AFTER 9/11
The Intercept: General Failure: How the U.S. Military Lied About the 9/11 Wars
Brown University: Costs of the 20-year war on terror: $8 trillion and 900,000 deaths