On this edition of Your Call, we rebrodcast our discussion about the devastating environmental impacts of the Trump administration’s border wall. According to Defenders of Wildlife, 400 miles of wall along the southern US border will potentially impact 89 endangered species.They include jaguars and gray wolves, 108 species of migratory birds, numerous wildlife refuges and protected wetlands. Native burial sites in Arizona were blasted for construction. How are border communities responding?
Dan Millis, borderlands program manager for the Sierra Club's Grand Canyon Chapter in Arizona
Myles Traphagen, borderlands program coordinator for the Wildlands Network
Juan Mancias, chairman of the Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe in South Texas
Web Resources:
Sierra Club: Borderlands
The Guardian: 'That's genocide': ancient tribal graves threatened by Trump border wall
The Guardian: Trump’s border wall construction threatens survival of jaguars in the US
Sierra Club: The Wall Must Fall
Arizona Republic: As wall construction continues, conservation groups fear the fate of San Pedro River
Business Insider: Contractors working on Trump's border wall are pointlessly blowing up chunks of Arizona that they won't have time to actually build on, campaigners say
NPR: Contractors Dynamite Mountains, Bulldoze Desert In Race To Build Trump's Border Wall