After months of scandals and ethics investigations, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt has resigned — to be replaced by the veteran coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler. On the next Your Call’s One Planet Series, we’ll discuss the ongoing changes at the EPA. During his tenure, Pruitt attacked climate science and other scientific findings, repealed a slew of Obama-era environmental regulations, and placed energy industry lobbyists in key positions. What's next for Trump's EPA? Join the conversation on the next Your Call with Matt Martin, and you.
Michael Mann, distinguished professor of Atmospheric Science at Penn State, director of the Penn State Earth System Science Center, and co-author of Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy
Rebecca Leber, reporter in Mother Jones' DC bureau covering environmental politics and policy
Marianne Lavelle, award-winning reporter for Inside Climate News covering environment, science, law, and business
Web Resources:
The Union of Concerned Scientists: Navigating the Climate Change Minefield with Michael Mann
Inside Climate News: Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks Put Thousands of Lives at Risk, Harvard Analysis Finds
Inside Climate News: 6 Ways EPA's New Leader, a Former Coal Lobbyist, Could Shape Climate Policy
Mother Jones: House Democrats Just Asked the FBI to Open a Criminal Investigation Into Scott Pruitt
The NY Times: How Andrew Wheeler, the New Acting E.P.A. Chief, Differs From Scott Pruitt
The NY Times: ‘Super Polluting’ Trucks Receive Loophole on Pruitt’s Last Day