House Speaker Paul Ryan is retiring at the end of the year. On this week’s media roundtable, we'll discuss his role in passing the deficit-financed tax cuts for the rich and corporations.
He calls it his proudest moment in his 20-year career. How did Trump’s presidency help him accomplish his agenda? We’ll also talk about the latest attack on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which provides food assistance to more than 42 million people.
John Nichols, national correspondent for The Nation, associate editor of The Capital Times, and author of Horsemen of the Trumpocalypse: A Field Guide to the Most Dangerous People in America
Arthur Delaney, reporter with the Huff Post covering politics and the economy, and author of A People's History of the Great Recession
Helaine Olen, contributor to the Washington Post's Plum Line blog and author of Pound Foolish: Exposing the Dark Side of the Personal Finance Industry
Web Resources:
The Washington Post: New GOP tactics wage war on Obama-era protections
The Nation: Paul Ryan Abandons the Sinking Ship
Huffington Post: Trump’s Executive Order On ‘Welfare’ Doesn’t Do Anything — At Least Not Yet
The Washington Post: Too Many Men
Jacobin: The Kurdish Dilemma